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I warmly welcome you to this site, I hope that you’ll find useful information and inspiration for your spiritual path.

My journey with meditation has begun almost ten years ago and it still gives me wonder and new discoveries every day. 

My teachers offered me precious gifts that I care with immense gratitude, to them I owe all the tools I have when I teach meditation.

Marina Borruso showed me the truth of the present moment and the healing power of water;

with Mantak Chia I explored the wisdom of Taoism and universal love;

Adam Chacksfield taught me kindness towards myself and the ability to welcome every living being without judgement.

Mukti and Adyashanti are showing me the path of awakening, a wonderful possibility to which every human being is called.

You too, you can bring wellbeing to your life, transform difficulties into resources and fully open yourself to your innate strength.

If you are reading these lines you probably feel that inner call which demands happiness and freedom.

It is said that when the student is ready, the teacher arrives... when the intention is ready, the teachers arrive to give you the tools to extricate yourself from the burdens of the past and let go of conditioning: this is how the magical encounter with your truth happens opening the way to a life lived fully with joy and love.

Much love to you,



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© 2025 Alice Redetti - P.IVA 01658100084